If you are in need of some quick cash, you may be tempted to Sell jewelry at a pawn shop. However, before you bring your unwanted jewelry to a local pawnbroker, it’s important to educate yourself on how they determine value and to consider other options. In the article below, we will provide you with 4 useful tips for getting a better deal when selling your jewelry to a pawn shop business.
1. Always get your jewelry appraised.
Pawn shops will usually only offer you about 40% to 50% of the actual value of your jewelry. This is because they are looking to make a profit, so they will try to bargain you down and find small imperceptible flaws in your jewelry to give you less money.
2. Get your jewelry cleaned.
When you have your jewelry professionally cleaned, it will increase its value. It will also look much more pristine and presentable, which will help you to receive a higher price from the pawnbroker.
3. Consider a jewelry store.
Jewelry stores tend to offer more favorable terms for the sale of jewelry than pawn shops, and they are known for their expertise and luxury services. They will also usually pay a lot more for diamond jewelry than pawnshops, because they understand the universal value of these stones. However, it is essential to do your research, and check online reviews of various pawn shops before you decide where to take your jewelry.